Happy Administrative Professionals Day! Whether that is your title or not, I hope you feel valued. Ministry Assistant seems to be a more fitting title for those of us that work in the church or association office. You assist in ministry in a LOT of different capacities, I get it!
Recently, I had the honor of partnering with one of our churches and helping them through a rough patch without a “ministry assistant”. They had a new interim Pastor and was still processing what that looked like when as things sometimes happen, they then found themselves in need of someone to help keep the administrative side of things running smoothly.
So, I offered to help. The offer came with stipulations as I still needed to be able to fulfill my duties at Middle District, but I was willing to do what I could. Holding my breath (or not) I dove into:
- Keeping tabs on phone messages and emails.
- Meet with tellers to count offering.
- Regular communications with the janitorial service.
- Collect info, create, and send out church wide emails and news.
- Create and print bulletins for funerals as needed.
- Coordinate Facilities use.
- Other misc. duties as needed.
Now about that last bullet list item…we all know that one juggles a LOT of balls, am I right? 😊 I get it!
During my time there, I learned some new things and earned a new appreciation for all the church ministry assistants! It was a pleasure to serve and get the day-to-day experience even if for a short time. Is six months a short time? 😊 Nevertheless, it was great experience to see another side of being a Ministry Assistant.

I was, however, very glad when this lady came on the scene to take over. This is Karen and she is now the Administrative (Ministry) Assistant for this church. She came in with past church admin experience and is fulfilling her duties gracefully with a smile on her face…despite the bullet list. LOL…
I am thankful for her and for each one of you. It can be a tough job at times, and even a thankless one in some environments. I get it! I am glad I don’t serve in the latter. Those I serve alongside are great at helping me feel appreciated and for that I am extremely grateful!
“Serve with good will, as to the Lord and not to men, because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good he does.” Ephesians 6: 7-8
ps. Did I mention the Interim Pastor is my husband? Don’t even get me started on that!
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