Ever had one of THOSE days? It promised to be a quiet day with the boss working off site, so I was prepared to get MORE work done and be MORE productive. Well…my computer had other plans. I turn on my laptop, which I love for flexibility, put in my password and, and…nothing. Try again. […]
Who Doesn’t Love a Keyboard Shortcut?
Anytime I can accomplish something that will take less time but still be GOOD, I am all for it. How about YOU? Living in a time of instantaneous fulfillment we have certainly gotten spoiled in having LOTS of things at our finger tips. This includes having an “undo” button on your computer. Can I get […]
The Case of the Vanishing Church Secretary
This is not an article on magic or weight loss. Do they seem to go hand in hand or is it just me? Sorry, for chasing rabbits. At times it does seem church secretarial assistants are expected to perform tricks and be able to pull a rabbit out of a hat. Can I get an […]
Are Church Bulletins Passe’?
We live in an age where communications have changed, and continue to change rapidly. Social media has come to the forefront with such force that your head may be swimming with all the talk of Facebook, Twitter Instagram and so on, not to mention trying to figure out the analytic in those. I will not […]
Survival Kit for Administrative Assistants
Whatever your office title, if you work in an assisting role, you can relate to what the title today suggests. Certainly, some days are better than others for all of us, but for too many the bad days come around more often than not. So, for those days you need a little encouragement or just […]
Spring Cleaning: How Long to Keep Church Records?
The start of 2016 is definitely in full swing and SPRING is finally in our reach. Thoughts of spring cleaning come into play, and not just in your closet. We have boxes upon boxes of old records and files that need to be purged. Not something I long to do, for sure. It is pretty […]
OFFICE PEEPS: What Makes Them Tick?
Why does he …? Why does she…? Why don’t they… why, why, why? The short answer is, God made them that way. The long answer, well, is a lot more complicated. We have all, at some time, had to deal with a boss or co-worker that got on our nerves. It’s okay you can admit […]
Safe and Sound? 15 Best Safety Practices for the Church Office
Happy New Year! Let’s make 2016 as SAFE as possible! Whether you have a large staff or it is just you and the pastor, these 15 best safety practices can help navigate to keep everyone safe….so needed these days! These resources came from the last Baptist Ministry Assistants of VA conference where a representative from […]
Need a Silent Night?
We have all been so busy getting newsletters finished, complete with all the events for December and NOW working on January; making sure the calendar is up to date, website is current, monthly financial reports are coming due AGAIN, and on top of that the end of year reports! Need I go on? I hope […]
Make a List and Check it (More Than) Twice: Event Planning
Details, details, details. It takes a lot of those to coordinate an event. I have been more than knee deep in those details as I helped plan events at church, association and as I played a dual role of Mother-of-the-Bride /Wedding Planner several years ago. Talk about STRESS! I survived all of these by making […]