Recently, I was asked to share a devotion at a Women’s Ministry brunch during the Christmas holiday season. The theme came from a poem the facilitator came across and so at least I had a starting point. I have heard the saying, “work smarter, not harder” so I thought I would use it for this blog in order to have something to post (not harder) and hopefully give you something to think about in the coming days and months after this season is over.
It was an honor to be asked and after doing due diligence of lots of prayer, thinking through options, and research, the following is what I came up with:
Being in the throws of the Christmas season with all the shopping, parties, food and gatherings, of course it consumes our thoughts. Or…does it?
Christmas is the day we celebrate, as Christians, the birth of Jesus. Do you realize the work of Christmas has been going on since the beginning of time? Now hang in there with me as I dig deeper and take you on a journey that hopefully won’t keep us going around in circles.
John 1:1 speaks of the beginning: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.” Who? Jesus is the Word. Verse 9 says: “The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.” True light is Jesus, and he is coming into the world…when? The day we celebrate Christmas! Jesus birthday!
The definition of Christmas on Google is an annual Christian festival celebrating Christ’s birth. At least we can agree on that! The word Christmas originates from an old English phrase, “Cristes Maesse”, which means Mass of Christ. What is Mass? The word “Mass” comes from the Latin word ( missa) which means “mission” or “sending”. The final blessing said by the priest is “Ite missa es” which means “to send out”.
Mass (in the Catholic, some Lutheran/Anglican traditions)= Communion
Communion – originates from the Latin word “communio,” meaning sharing or participation…….. reflecting the communal aspect of the ritual, we know as the LORD’S SUPPER.
If you look up the definition =
1. the sharing or exchanging of intimate thoughts and feelings, especially on a mental or spiritual level.
2. the service of Christian worship at which bread and wine are consecrated and shared. There’s that word again…
It represents the sharing of the body and blood of Jesus Christ through consumption of bread and wine or grape juice, in my circles, for those who believe and have received grace and mercy through salvation in Jesus Christ. It symbolizes the death of Jesus Christ and the spiritual bond between believers and Christ.
Don’t be overwhelmed by all this technical stuff or bored…LOL…but hang in there as I bring it back around.
CHRISTMAS = (mass of Christ) which is what? Communion
COMMUNION = Sharing (Sharing of the body and blood of Jesus)
Or MASS = Sending/Mission- (the priest sends you out as a mission(ary) to do what?
Share THE GOOD NEWS OF CHRIST. God sent his only son to earth to save us. Save us from what? Have you read Revelations? Jesus drank the cup of wrath so we didn’t have to…He gives us mercy/grace = salvation.
Jesus commanded in Matthew 28:19-20 Go into all the nations…and do what? Make disciples…teach them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
So if you put them all together, we have Christmas, Communion, Sharing, Sending which leads us to…CCH
I know we have chased rabbits to get here but not Easter rabbits though you can make a case for Easter (Jesus’ resurrection from the dead) in and through all of this!! After all we did talk about Communion.
How does Sharing/Sending =Hope?
Because in Jesus there is hope. He wants us to share this hope and he sends us to do so!!
So….don’t let the day we celebrate Christmas come and go in a 24 hour period just like any other day. Don’t let the day after be a let down but remember what it means…the significance of it beyond the decorations , the tree with the lights, the food, etc. But the gifts…that you should hold on to? Why?
The best gift of all is someone receiving the grace and mercy from salvation that only comes through Jesus Christ. GIVE THEM HOPE! Share the Good News message of hope. As Billy Graham said, “Don’t leave Jesus in the manger!”
The Work of Christmas
When the song of the angels is stilled,
When the star in the sky is gone,
When the kings and princes are home,
When the shepherds are back with their flock,
The work of Christmas begins:
To find the lost,
To heal the broken,
To feed the hungry,
To release the prisoner,
To rebuild the nations,
To bring peace among others,
To make music in the heart.
Poem by Howard Thurman – Teacher. Minister. Theologian. Writer. Mystic. Activist. African-American, and civil rights leader.
Don’t let Christmas end on December 25. Carry it with you the other 364 days because after all….CHRISTMAS, IT’S JUST THE BEGINNING!
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