We live in an age where communications have changed, and continue to change rapidly. Social media has come to the forefront with such force that your head may be swimming with all the talk of Facebook, Twitter Instagram and so on, not to mention trying to figure out the analytic in those. I will not get into that with this post, as honestly, I am still working on figuring those out too and keeping my OWN head above water.
More and more churches use text and email to send messages about upcoming events and so some do not print bulletins anymore like they used to, even just five years ago. Electronic newsletters are VERY popular, and we use those as well at the association office. However, all that being said, having something tangible to put in their hand on Sunday when you say “good morning” as they walk in the door can be a good addition, and reminder, especially if you have some that do not use computers at all. Yes, they are out there. I don’t think they are passe’. If your church uses a sermon series’, your bulletin/program is a great place to promote it and have a space for sermon notes, along with any other important info (see below).
I recently came across an article, “7 Steps to a More Successful Church Bulletin” from the Church Tech Today website. This article has excellent points and tips for, well, exactly what the title suggests, a more successful (better, excellent, more relevant, etc, etc.) church bulletin. Bookmark it, print off a copy and share the info with your pastor or whoever makes those type decisions at your church. Click here to read the tips. I think you will be glad you did!
This idea is not for many senior church members!The Weekly church bulletin is how we get the news and calendar of events etc.At least 50 % of our members do not even have email.Most of us do not have ‘smart phones’. Please consider this when this idea comes up.
Not all of us can afford the cost of internet service, nor wireless phone service!
Nor do we want it. Do you know that during loss f power and other communication services, the cell phone system does not work,
We do not approve of this move!
Matthew and Helen Hamilton
I understand and agree as I stated in the article. It is still a good idea to have a handout of some kind when people come in the door. Thanks for your comments.